Walgreens Diversity & Inclusion Excellence Scholarship

Walgreens has provided scholarship funds to the College of Pharmacy for the Walgreens Diversity & Inclusion Excellence Scholarship. The preference of the Walgreens Pharmacy Division is to award the scholarship to any student currently enrolled in pharmacy school who meets the criteria listed below. There is one (1) $2,500 scholarship available.

Criteria: The following are the criteria established by Walgreens in agreement with the Scholarship Recognition and Awards Committee:
1) Student must have an interest in community pharmacy.
2) Student must have a minimum overall 2.75 GPA.
3) Student must not be a previous recipient of the Walgreens Diversity & Inclusion Excellence Scholarship.
4) Student embraces diversity and promotes diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus or represents and underrepresented group in pharmacy.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Include a copy of your CV or resume.
  2. I confirm that I have interest and/or involvement working in community pharmacy practice.
  3. Have you previously been a recipient of this scholarship?
  4. Submit an essay addressing the significant efforts you have made towards raising awareness or playing an active role in educating others about diversity and inclusion related matters impacting the pharmacy profession.