California Korean American Pharmacists Association Scholarship Endowment

The California Korean American Pharmacists Association has provided $1,000 in scholarship funds to the College of Pharmacy for the California Korean American Pharmacists Association Endowed Scholarship. There is one (1) $1,000 scholarship available.

Criteria: The following are the criteria established by the College of Pharmacy, Scholarship Recognition and Awards Committee:
1) A student currently enrolled in the College of Pharmacy.
2) In good academic standing
3) Financial Need (financial need is considered anyone on student loans or other financial aid)
4) Qualified recipients are expected to share the ideals of the CKAPhA and participate in association activities.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Include a copy of your CV or resume.
  2. Do you share the ideals of the CKAPhA and participate in association activities?
  3. Have you previously been a recipient of this scholarship?
  4. Explain how you have demonstrated leadership in a team setting. What strategies did you use to motivate and guide your team towards achieving a common goal?