Medical Student Research Award of Distinction

This award is presented by the COMP Research Committee and recognizes graduating DO students from both campuses for exceptional research contributions and scholarly activity before and throughout medical school.

Applicants need not write an essay. Instead please provide the following information for any or all of these categories:

  • Manuscripts:
    Article title, journal name, volume (issue), page range, DOI or URL
    Last name and first initials for all authors
    Date of Publication
    Whether it is original research, literature review, case report, or other
    Whether publication occurred before or after your matriculation to COMP
  • Oral Presentations:
    Presentation title, last name and first initials for all authors
    Name of the conference/meeting where the presentation was given (spell out abbreviations), including date and location, URL if available
    Whether it is original research, literature review, case report, or other
    Whether the presentation occurred before or after your matriculation to COMP
    If you received an award for this presentation (and name of the award)
  • Poster presentations:
    Poster title, last name and first initials for all authors
    Name of the conference/meeting where the poster was presented (spell out abbreviations), including date and location, URL if available
    Whether it is original research, literature review, case report, or other
    Whether the presentation occurred before or after your matriculation to COMP
    If you received an award for this presentation (and name of the award)

Please note: Applying for this award does not count toward the three award/scholarship applications you submit that will be reviewed by the COMP/COMP-Northwest Awards Committee.

Amount Varies
COMP, COMP - Northwest Campus Only, COMP - California Campus Only
Supplemental Questions
  1. Total Number of Manuscripts Published
    • Provide the following information for each manuscript; use a blank line to separate each entry. Article title, journal name, volume (issue), page range, DOI or URL; Last name and first initials for all authors; Date of Publication; Whether it is original research, literature review, case report, or other; Whether publication occurred before or after your matriculation to COMP
  3. Total Number of Oral Presentations
    • Provide the following information for each oral presentation; use a blank line to separate entries. Presentation title, last name and first initials for all authors; Name of the conference/meeting where the presentation was given (spell out abbreviations), including date and location, URL if available; Whether it is original research, literature review, case report, or other; Whether the presentation occurred before or after your matriculation to COMP; If you received an award for this presentation (and name of the award)
  5. Total Number of Posters Presented
    • Provide the following information for each poster; use a blank line to separate entries. Poster title, last name and first initials for all authors; Name of the conference/meeting where the poster was presented (spell out abbreviations), including date and location, URL if available; Whether it is original research, literature review, case report, or other; Whether the presentation occurred before or after your matriculation to COMP; If you received an award for this presentation (and name of the award)
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